Here’s a little piece from the new book I’m working on, a collection of parables. It has a few twists and turns, so hang on!
Tag Archives: Parables
POL the Apostle: An Experiment in Evangelism
Reverend Hiram Chipdale, lead pastor of the First Church of Technology in L.A., was well known for his many experiments in integrating Christian theology and worship with virtual reality.
The Great God Contest: A Christmas Parable
One day all the gods got together to see who could come up with the best plan to save the world.
The Good Samaritan: An Imagined Backstory
Every year at Passover the boy Jesus and His family made the trek to Jerusalem to observe the festival. The gospel of Luke records a famous account of one of these trips, when Jesus was twelve and held the elders in the Temple spellbound with His wisdom.
Three Applicants: A Parable
Sick and tired of how my life was going, I decided to hire a new manager.
The Anteroom of the Royal Palace: A Parable
As we approach December it’s time for a reminder of my book 21 Candles: Stories for Christmas. Here’s one of those stories, which a friend liked so much that he read it to his family every Christmas Day for over three decades. Read on …
Dreambums: A Parable
The following story was originally published in 1989 in my book The Furniture of Heaven & Other Parables. Reading it now over three decades later, it strikes me as more than a little prophetic. See what you think. (Also available as a video.)
TESTING 1-2-3: A Spiritual Sound Check
Life is a great mystery, and we have many questions.
Especially we wonder about evil and suffering.
Why? Why? Why?
The Real Santa Claus: A Christmas Parable
This one’s not in my book Twenty-One Candles: Stories for Christmas because it was written later. Merry Christmas, everybody!
The Castle and the Shed: A Parable
A man lived all alone in a beautiful castle. His fortress had sturdy walls of stone, many towers with fine turrets, a moat and drawbridge, and a parapet with a long walkway.