One of my devotional practices for Lent has been to meditate on paintings of the life of Christ, particularly the works of three artists: James Tissot, Georges Rouault, and William Kurelek.
Tag Archives: Lent
The Dark-Suited Salesman: Three Poems for Lent
I’m not really a poet, but all my life I’ve written poems occasionally when the mood strikes. Here are three recent efforts.
Resisting Temptation: The Work of Lent
As we journey through Lent I’ve been pondering the nature of temptation.
Betrayal: The Deepest Pain (Part Two)
My last post explored the subject of betrayal, and this time I offer some thoughts on how to deal with this greatest (I believe) of all pains.
Betrayal: The Deepest Pain (Part One)
Here in the middle of Lent, as we journey towards Good Friday, I present a two-part series on the subject of betrayal.
Jesus in the Wilderness: The Mount of Temptation
As we enter into the season of Lent, may I remind you of my book Jesus: His Story In Stone, whose one-page devotional chapters on the life of Christ make a good companion for the journey toward Easter. Here’s a sample chapter, about Jesus’ time in the wilderness.
COVID-19: The World Observes Lent
Personally, I am not in the habit of observing Lent in any formal way. I do not give up chocolate or coffee or anything else—at least, not intentionally. But willy-nilly I always end up surrendering something, because that is what Lent does: it drives us, as it did Jesus, into the wilderness.
Lent: The Collision Between Appetite & Soul
(A meditation by Barbara Cawthorne Crafton)
We didn’t even know what moderation was. What it felt like. We didn’t just work: we inhaled our jobs, sucked them in, became them. Stayed late, brought work home—it was never enough, though, no matter how much time we put in.