I don’t know why everybody doesn’t believe in Jesus. I really don’t. Jesus is our dream come true. He’s exactly what everybody wants.
Doesn’t everyone want to see God? Doesn’t everyone think, “If there’s a God, why doesn’t He just show Himself? Why can’t He come down off His high and mighty throne and pay us a visit? Why does there have to be all this mystery, all this smoke and mirrors? What is He hiding? How can He expect us to believe in Someone who keeps so much up His sleeve, so many dark secrets? Why can’t He lay down His cards and just be like the rest of us?”
Well, guess what? Jesus is like the rest of us. He’s one of us. That’s what Christmas is all about. God did come down from His mighty throne and He entered our world as a human being.
The only thing is, He did it like everybody else, without any fanfare. He didn’t come bursting on the scene in thunder and lightning and start telling everyone what to do. No, He came as a baby, born in a back room in a little nothing place, and He grew up in a nowhere town among people who were nobodies, just like you and me. He gave Himself no advantages, put on no airs. He was just Himself. He was Emmanuel, God with us, God one of us.
And to accomplish this—to do it properly—He had to do it only once. He couldn’t come again and again, to a whole bunch of places and into every generation. He couldn’t wait around for iPhones and the internet to do His promo. No, like everybody else He had just one crack at life, and it happened to be 2000 years ago.
Is that why people don’t believe? There are no selfies of Jesus, no videos, no stadium tour. But listen: Jesus gave us something even better. He didn’t give us big screen images of God—He gave us the real thing. He gave Himself, even to the point of dying like anybody else. He went the way of all flesh.
But let’s not get ahead of the story. Today isn’t Easter, it’s Christmas. Christ is born, all God, all man, the fullness of God’s love wrapped up in a baby. And as heaven comes down to earth, earth is raised to heaven. God is here, with us, now and forever.
It’s our dream come true!
Believe it.
Let the peoples praise You, God,
let all the peoples praise You,
let the nations be glad and sing for joy!
~Psalm 67:3-4
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