Cherubs & Stars: Two Poems

How will the world end? Read on.


The Cherubic Hymn

In the middle of the Orthodox liturgy
the choir sings the Cherubic Hymn:

“Let us who represent the Cherubim
and who sing the thrice-holy hymn
to the life-creating Trinity
now lay aside all earthly care.” 

On July 18, 1918, the day after
the murder of Czar Nicholas
and his family, Mother Elizabeth,
a saint who poured her life 

into caring for the poor
was thrown alive, with others,
into a deep mine shaft
where some died instantly

while others survived due to
ledges and projecting beams.
Soon came the voice of
the Mother, clear as morning:

“Forgive them, they know not what they do,”
 whereupon all the voices in the shaft
 commenced to sing the Cherubic Hymn
 as the executioners threw in one 

hand grenade after another
until the singing stopped.
Angels consider this the most divine
rendition ever of the Cherubic Hymn. 


*          *          *



    The Evening Stars

Earth’s cornerstone was laid
while the morning stars sang
and all the angels shouted for joy.

As Earth was created with music
so with music shall it be unmade
when the trumpet sounds and all

will be changed, nor will the last
trump be one long loud blast
as was sounded at Jericho

but a voluntary of such intricacy
beauty and terror as has never
before been heard on Earth

which indeed Earth cannot bear
without crumbling and falling as
the evening stars weep out their fires. 

But for now, how splendid
these refulgent nails supporting
night’s tent, both defying

and defining gravity,
silently magnifying their Creator
and bruiting His lightsome Name.


*          *          *


Next Post:  Infinity in Four Chair Legs: More Ordinary Quotes

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