I am Pharos, a being from Planet Luxor beyond the Light Horizon.
Category Archives: Stories and Excerpts
A Kiss is Just a Kiss—or is it More?
Imagine the biblical Song of Songs written as a contemporary novel. If that notion appeals to you, you’ll love Evangeline of Sky Valley by Andrew Case. Ebullient, scintillating, tintinnabulous—what words can capture the crackling freshness of language and the chaste, holy feelings unleashed in this novel?
A Light Has Dawned: Meditations on Advent and Christmas
As we approach December, you might wish to know about a new publication by Christianity Today magazine: A Light Has Dawned: Meditations on Advent and Christmas. This is an anthology of the best Advent/Christmas articles that the magazine has published over the past 50 years.
The Cellular Waltz: Reflections on Sex from The Mystery of Marriage
Just a reminder that the audiobook edition of The Mystery of Marriage is now available, wonderfully read by Simon Vance. What follows is a selection from the somewhat notorious chapter on Sex …
The Host: A Parable
Over thirty years ago I published a book of parables called The Furniture of Heaven. Since then I’ve written a number of other parables, which some day I’ll gather into a second collection. Here’s one of the new ones.
And His Train Filled the Temple: A Parable Inspired by J.I. Packer
This week I continue my memorial celebration of the life of J.I. Packer, who died last month at 93. As the son of a railway clerk, Jim retained a lifelong fascination for locomotives, saying that trains evoked his “longing for the transcendent.”
Announcing the Brand New Audiobook Edition of The Mystery of Marriage!
This week, on August 7, Karen and I celebrate 38 years of marriage. And this year we have something additional to toast, because at long last my book The Mystery of Marriage has been issued as an audiobook. Moreover the reader is one of the best in the business, Simon Vance, who does an excellent job.
J.I. Packer’s Foreword to The Mystery of Marriage: “A Crackerjack!”
Last week the world lost a great Christian theologian, writer, and teacher, and an even greater human being. Dr. J.I. Packer passed away on July 17 at the age of 93, just five days shy of his 94th birthday.
C.S. Lewis in Heaven: A Visit to the Real Narnia (Part Two)
In my last blog post, a friend who has visions of heaven told me he had met C.S. Lewis in the real Narnia, an actual region in the next world. Here is the continuation of his story …
C.S. Lewis in Heaven: A Visit to the Real Narnia (Part One)
An American fifth-grader once wrote to C.S. Lewis asking if it were possible to visit Narnia. Lewis replied that the only way, as far as he knew, was through death. But then he added a curious qualifier: “Perhaps some very good people get just a tiny glimpse before then.”