Anyone who’s read my book Same Old, Same New: The Consolation of the Ordinary will know that it’s full of quotes.
Category Archives: Stories and Excerpts
Cherubs & Stars: Two Poems
How will the world end? Read on.
POL the Apostle: An Experiment in Evangelism
Reverend Hiram Chipdale, lead pastor of the First Church of Technology in L.A., was well known for his many experiments in integrating Christian theology and worship with virtual reality.
Chester Christmas: My Brand New Story!
December 21, 1999, and I’m upstairs in my office working on a book about joy. Already it’s dark out and snow thick as a test pattern flows past the window.
The Great God Contest: A Christmas Parable
One day all the gods got together to see who could come up with the best plan to save the world.
The Good Samaritan: An Imagined Backstory
Every year at Passover the boy Jesus and His family made the trek to Jerusalem to observe the festival. The gospel of Luke records a famous account of one of these trips, when Jesus was twelve and held the elders in the Temple spellbound with His wisdom.
One of Us: A New Instant Classic!
David Gregory, who wrote the wonderful bestseller Dinner With a Perfect Stranger, has a brand new novel called One of Us. It’s the best book I’ve read in years.
Three Applicants: A Parable
Sick and tired of how my life was going, I decided to hire a new manager.
The Consolation of One Plump Red Strawberry
I have a big box of bookmarks from all over the world. I love to read, and as I begin a new book I enjoy selecting just the right bookmark—one with an appropriate color, design, and theme.
Spiritual Direction: The Ordinary Way
Here’s an excerpt from my new book Same Old, Same New: The Consolation of the Ordinary. It’s an imagined conversation between a spiritual director, Father Zachary, and his directee, Philip.