This morning I enjoyed a few moments gazing into my cutlery drawer. I can’t remember ever doing this before. Cutlery is not something one looks at, particularly, it’s just there—useful, shiny, not unattractive, but not noteworthy.
Category Archives: Blog
Artificial Stupidity: My Misadventure with Chat GPT
As I head into holiday time, I thought it would be good to invite a guest to write my next blog post. So I asked my friend Chatty, aka Chat GPT (an AI program), to imitate my style with a new blog post.
What Is the Good News? Hear ye, hear ye!
One of my own favorite lines I’ve ever written is in my book Champagne for the Soul where I say: “If you don’t know the good news, keep asking and asking until the answer that comes provokes an eruption of joy.”
Of Pencils and Shavers: The Complexity of the Ordinary
I hope I live long enough to see the next generation of electric shavers. Indeed I wonder if there has ever been a new generation of this appliance, since the ones today don’t work much better than the one my dad loaned me for my first shave back in the 1960’s.
TESTING 1-2-3: A Spiritual Sound Check
Life is a great mystery, and we have many questions.
Especially we wonder about evil and suffering.
Why? Why? Why?
Tiny Expanses: Small Is Beautiful
While writing a book called The Consolation of the Ordinary, I tried to come up with as many synonyms as possible for ordinary: daily, everyday, mundane, quotidian, common, and so on. Only late in this process did it occur to me that one such synonym is small.
Boy and Wagon: A Vision in Spring
I’ll never forget the day I discovered that other people are real. It was 1981, the year I became a Christian, but the event I’m about to describe happened, interestingly, a few months before my conversion.
St. John of the Cross & the Dark Night of the Soul
John of the Cross is two amazing things: a saint, and one of the greatest poets in the Spanish language.
The Gospel According to Job: Five-Minute Version
Watch this on YouTube or read the text below.
A Lenten Motto: Anticipate Adversity
Most of us, I think, have an expectation that life will be good to us. When trouble rears its ugly head, we are surprised, even offended. We watch the news; we know terrible things happen to people all the time. But somehow we think we’ll prove the exception.