Here’s a little piece from the new book I’m working on, a collection of parables. It has a few twists and turns, so hang on!
Infinity in Four Chair Legs: More Ordinary Quotes
If you’ve read my book Same Old, Same New: The Consolation of the Ordinary you’ll know that it’s full of quotes.
Cherubs & Stars: Two Poems
How will the world end? Read on.
POL the Apostle: An Experiment in Evangelism
Reverend Hiram Chipdale, lead pastor of the First Church of Technology in L.A., was well known for his many experiments in integrating Christian theology and worship with virtual reality.
My Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech (just in case): A Manifesto
What does it take to be a good writer? Besides the imperative to write exceptionally well—which goes without saying—an author’s most vital asset is authority.
Three Prisons, Three Doors: The Keys to Freedom
Here are some thoughts as I stand at the door of this new year, 2025.
Happy Birthday Jesus!: Our Dream Come True
I don’t know why everybody doesn’t believe in Jesus. I really don’t. Jesus is our dream come true. He’s exactly what everybody wants.
Chester Christmas: My Brand New Story!
December 21, 1999, and I’m upstairs in my office working on a book about joy. Already it’s dark out and snow thick as a test pattern flows past the window.
Luke, Linus, & Schulz: A Felicitous Trinity
I’m sure you all know the TV show “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” probably the best-loved Christmas special ever produced.
The Great God Contest: A Christmas Parable
One day all the gods got together to see who could come up with the best plan to save the world.