While writing a book called The Consolation of the Ordinary, I tried to come up with as many synonyms as possible for ordinary: daily, everyday, mundane, quotidian, common, and so on. Only late in this process did it occur to me that one such synonym is small.
Author Archives: Mike Mason
How To Be Free: Let God Be God
If you want to be free, begin by having a God who is free. Let Him be free to do whatever He wants. He’s going to anyway, whether you like it or not, so you might as well give Him your blessing.
Boy and Wagon: A Vision in Spring
I’ll never forget the day I discovered that other people are real. It was 1981, the year I became a Christian, but the event I’m about to describe happened, interestingly, a few months before my conversion.
Easter Dawn: Three Poems for Easter
Three poems celebrating Christ’s Easter victory over death. He is risen! Alleluia!
Good Friday: A Poem by Christina Rossetti
The speaker in Rossetti’s poem feels like a stone for being unable to properly grieve the suffering and death of Christ.
St. John of the Cross & the Dark Night of the Soul
John of the Cross is two amazing things: a saint, and one of the greatest poets in the Spanish language.
The Gospel According to Job: Five-Minute Version
Watch this on YouTube or read the text below.
A Lenten Motto: Anticipate Adversity
Most of us, I think, have an expectation that life will be good to us. When trouble rears its ugly head, we are surprised, even offended. We watch the news; we know terrible things happen to people all the time. But somehow we think we’ll prove the exception.
Practicing the Presence of People: An Introduction
A group who is studying my book Practicing the Presence of People asked me to provide a short video introduction. Watch the result on YouTube. I’m not a dynamic speaker, so if you’d rather read than watch, I’ve added the script.
Binary Thinking: A Simple Lesson in Theology
Imagine you’re a robot with a binary brain, all 1’s and 0’s.
Now picture yourself looking at a flower.